Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rainbow Cakes

It's Saturday and I awoke at 6am. I lay in bed for an hour before getting up. I couldn't get back to sleep. So I started my day. I decided to start making the backing of my nephew's quilt.

It's called Tomato Mustard and is in yellows and reds. I really like this quilt. It came together very nicely. I have so many quilt tops made but no money to get them professionally quilted. This one I'm going to attempt to quilt myself!

I also like to try and find backing that matches the quilt top. I found this fabric at Spotlight a long time ago. It matches perfectly.

Tomorrow I will attempt to cut the wadding to size and then next weekend I will attempt to baste the quilt together.

Last night I made a heap more recipe cards like I made last weekend, thinking that I would make one or two of the recipes, but no, I was surfing the blogs and came across rainbow cakes. Termite 2 and Termite 3 have been drawing lots of rainbow pictures so when they saw these cupcakes they wanted me to make them. So I obliged.

Termites 1,2 and 3 helped put the decorations on once I had piped on the white ganache.

The fun part was getting to cut them in half to see what patterns occurred during the cooking process. I made them two ways; the first I just put blobs of cake mix into the patty cases and the second I tried to do layers.

I came across a wonderful idea for frosting by Steph of Cup Cake Project. She used this on her Basil Infused Olive Oil Cupcakes.

This is what they are supposed to look like:

But mine looked like this:
Now I'm determined to master Steph's frosting for future cupcakes. I'm guessing that white ganache is just not suitable for this method. I need a stiffer frosting.


  1. The cup cakes look delicious! Your Tomato Qustard quilt looks fantastic, colourins like those in my house would be called Eggs & Tomato Sauce!!

  2. Please let me know where you found the rainbow cupcake recipe.Laima AKA sassywinnie63
