Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blog Anniversary - 1 Year!

I haven't blogged since August. I have continued to read all the blogs I have bookmarked, but for some reason I just haven't done any blogging. I happened to log on today and it is my first year anniversary TODAY! How uncanny. I have been busy these past six months with getting my house organised, working full-time and doing the day-to-day stuff of looking after the Termites. I have also kept up with my quilting. I'm working on my niece and nephew's quilts for Christmas and some other projects. I've included one of my projects just so there's a picture.


  1. Happy anniversary, the house is looking great and love the quilt you are doing.


  2. Happy Anniversary Sharon. Nice to see you again.

    I am sure you have been keep very busy.

    The quilt looks good, nice colours.
